quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

cadastrando @imail

E-mail enviado

E-mail enviado com sucesso para michellmattarazzo@gmail.com
Caso não receber o e-mail, favor verificar todos os itens a baixo:
  • Verificar a sua caixa de spam e/ou lixeira eletronica.
  • Adicionar o e-mail da TelexFREE a sua lista de e-mail confiavéis.
    Para receber todos os e-mails da telexfree é fundamental que você adiciona o e-mail "sistema@mail4.telexfree.com" a lista de e-mails confiaveis.
  • Reenviar o e-mail de validação.
    Para reenviar o e-mail de validação, favor efetuar login no Back Office com o seu login e senha, e clica em: "Reenviar e-mail de validação".
  • Alterar o e-mail cadastrado.
    Para alterar o e-mail cadastrado, favor efetuar login no Back Office com o seu login e senha.
    Clica em: "Trocar meu e-mail cadastrado." Para sua segurança esse processo só é permitido até que valide o e-mail.

domingo, 2 de junho de 2013

Prezado divulgador,

Prezado divulgador,
Informamos que a partir de hoje (24/05/2013), todos os logins que ficarem ativos no sistema, terão um dia para começarem a postar seus anúncios em seu Back Office. Ou seja, se o seu login ficou ativo na Segunda-feira, irá constar em seu B.O o dia de Terça-feira, eliminando assim de o divulgador perder o primeiro dia de postagem, caso sua conta ative tarde da noite. É a TelexFREE sempre pensando em você!



As recentes publicações na mídia impressa e virtual informando a existência de investigações acerca das atividades da TelexFREE merecem esclarecimentos, e a elas passaremos:

1. A atividade da TelexFREE é, atualmente, de produtos VoIP e seu consumo está crescendo de forma exponencial destacando que até mesmo escritórios e outras empresas estão utilizando-o substancialmente para suas ligações; a sede da TelexFREE utiliza como seu principal canal de comunicação o sistema próprio, tanto nos contatos no Brasil quanto com os Estados Unidos, sede da TelexFREE Inc.

2. A forma de contratação com duração restrita há um ano demonstra o caráter de oxigenação do sistema BPF (Binário Produtivo Finito) adotado, outro ponto, é a forma de pagamento pelos anúncios semanais, são feitos em produtos, ou seja, contas VoiP 99TelexFREE, como consta em contrato, ou ainda, opcionalmente se utilizarem da recompra conforme as regras contratuais. Desta forma, não pode o sistema TelexFREE ser comparado aos outros sistemas do mercado;

3. As investigações concedem uma oportunidade à TelexFREE de demonstrar a lisura e retidão de suas atividades. Neste diapasão, as informações aos órgãos fiscalizadores estão sendo atendidas a contento, no tempo e modo adequados, em plena colaboração com estes.

4. Os tributos estão sendo recolhidos pontualmente e a D.I.R.F. foi entregue antecipadamente à Receita Federal e o demonstrativo de rendimentos e de retenções na fonte será disponibilizada a todos os divulgadores em seu Back Office nos próximos dias.

5. A TelexFREE está tomando diversas outras medidas para conceder a todos maior segurança e transparência no seu trabalho.

Diretoria & Departamento Jurídico


Visitas à empresa

Visitas à empresa

Para melhor atende-los, para visitar a sede do Brasil, Vitória no Espírito Santo.
É obrigatório realizar um agendamento junto a empresa.

  • Dias de visita: Terça e quinta-feira.
  • 15 dias de antecedência.
  • Para agendar uma visita, envie um email para marketing@telexfree.com.
  • Os agendamentos serão liberados quando houver disponibilidade. Aguarde confirmação por e-mail.

Utilização da marca TelexFREE

Prezados Divulgadores,

Solicitamos, novamente, atenção para um aspecto importante na utilização do nome e da logomarca TelexFREE. Conforme dispõe o REGULAMENTO GERAL, não é autorizado a nenhum divulgador apresentar-se como sendo representante legal da empresa mas, sempre como divulgador dos produtos TelexFREE. 

Também não é permitido que sejam instaladas LOJAS e ESCRITÓRIOS que ostentem em destaque a marca TelexFREE de modo que transmita a ideia de filial ou escritório regional, o que pode trazer graves danos a todas as partes.

Desta forma, solicitamos que todos os divulgadores que tiverem instalado lojas ou escritórios que utilizem em destaque a logomarca e nome TelexFREE substituam a identificação por sua identidade ou apenas indiquem, por exemplo: Aqui mais um agente TelexFREE.

Por fim, aos divulgadores que tiverem conhecimento de que esta prática continua em sua localidade, solicitamos que nos encaminhem o endereço e foto para que possamos tomar as devidas providências.

Ressaltamos que tais medidas são para a preservação da imagem e do negócio de todos os divulgadores e da própria TelexFREE.




sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2013

  • Call unlimited to cell phones and landlines in Brazil, US, and Canada. Enjoy our free trial for 1 hour
  • Telexfree comes with the right economy for your phone calls. Cell phones and landlines Try it now for 1h free every other day
  • 1 hour of free calls to know this incredible service. Call to cell phones and landlines in Brazil, US, and Canada
  • Save in your phone calls. Try it free for 1 hour Cell phones and landlines Brazil – US - Canada
  • Call unlimited to cell phones and landlines for only US$49.90 monthly. Try it now for 1 hour It is free
  • Use a smart service! Call unlimited to cell phones and landlines in Brazil, US, and Canada. Free trial for 1 hour.
  • Call to any carrier paying always the same cost, only US$49.90 monthly. Brazil – US – Canada Do a trial for 1h free
  • Call unlimited to 3 countries Brazil – US – Canada Landlines and cell phones Try it out for 1 hour It is a courtesy!
  • American technology company gets to Brazil. Your phone calls will never be the same Try it for 1 hour of courtesy!
  • Come to Telexfree Talk more and pay less Try it out for 1 hour Right now. Every other day free!
  • Advanced technology. Telexfree Call to cell phones and landlines for 1h free every other day Brazil – US - Canada
  • Incredible! For only US$49.90 monthly you will talk unlimited to cell phones and landlines in Brazil, US, and Canada. Try it now for 1h. IT IS FREE
  • Call to more than 40 countries Landlines and cell phones Monthly fee of only US$49.90 Try it now for 1 hour. IT IS FREE
  • From US directly to + than 40 countries In the entire world. Landlines and cell phones Try it out for 1 hour free!
  • Be a client of the company that grows more in the world. Call for 1 hour free Landlines and cell phones + than 40 countries.
  • Stop paying MUCH for your phone calls. Telexfree is the solution, for only US$49.90 Landlines and cell phones – In 40 countries Try it now for 1 hour. IT IS FREE
  • Telexfree Try out our service for 1 hour free every other day. Call to landlines and cell phones of 40 countries. Enjoy and Prove it NOW.
  • Do not waste time or even money. Come to Telexfree talk much more and pay much less. Do a free trial for 1 hour
  • Do not stay quiet! Come to Telexfree, to your freedom to talk on the phone Try it for 1 hour Free every other day
  • Telexfree A new way to use cell phones Talk more pay less Doubts? Then try a courtesy for 1h Talk to + than 40 countries
  • Homesickness? Come to meet Telexfree and talk unlimited to cell phones and landlines, in more than 40 countries. Free trial for 1 hour.
  • Do not have more worries with your phone bill. Telexfree arrived, for only US$49.90 monthly you talk unlimited to + than 40 countries Courtesy trial for 1 hour.
  • Do you want to talk for courtesy? Then try it right now for 1 hour Telexfree, call to cell phones and landlines in + than 40 countries.
  • Your cell phone is without credit? No problem, try a courtesy for 1 hour Telexfree and call to cell phones and landlines in entire Brazil, US, and Canada
  • Pay only US$49.90 monthly and get to talk unlimited to more than 40 countries. Try out a courtesy for 1 hour right now. Landlines and cell phones
  • Clear presence in your call Try right now a courtesy 1 hour to talk to landlines and cell phones Brazil – US - Canada
  • More than 40 countries to be in touch Try it out IT IS A COURTESY For 1 hour you will talk to landlines and cell phones. ENJOY!
  • The future has come! TELEXFREE Call unlimited to + than 40 countries Landlines and cell phones Free trial for 1 hour.
  • Telexfree FREE demonstration of service. Call to landlines and cell phones in more than 40 countries. You have 1 hour.
  • Imagine a plan where you pay once a month and talk unlimited to landlines and cell phones in + than 40 countries... Exists! Try a courtesy for 1 hour.
  • What about talking unlimited to landlines and cell phones? Liked it! Then, meet Telexfree Try right now a courtesy for 1 hour.
  • Telexyfree Pay a bit and TALK A LOT! Landlines and cell phones Trial for 1 hour. IT IS FREE!
  • quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013


    Protect Your Password.
    Your password is personal and not transferable, please not tell anyone.
    All actions performed within your Back Office, we understand what has been done for you and we can not intervene.

    Importantly, no employee of Telexfree ask for your password by any means.

    Use the brand Telexfree Dear Promoters,

    BoUse the brand Telexfree
    Dear Promoters,

    We ask again, attention to an important aspect in the use of name and logo Telexfree. As stipulated in General Regulation, is not entitled to any promoter present themselves as legal representative of the company, but always as disseminator of products Telexfree.

    It is also not allowed to be installed SHOPS and OFFICES bearing the brand featured Telexfree so transmit the idea of ​​branch or regional office, which can bring serious damage to all parties.

    Therefore, we ask that all advisers who have installed shops or offices that use highlighted the logo and name identification by Telexfree replace your identity or just indicate, for example: Here another agent Telexfree.

    Finally, the advisers who have knowledge that this practice continues in your locality, ask us to forward the address and photo so we can take appropriate action.

    We emphasize that these measures are to preserve the image and business of all publishers and Telexfree own.


    segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

    Groupo Telexfree europe'll be conducting a meeting on 05/05/13

    Hello everyone okay in the Groupo Telexfree europe'll be conducting a meeting on 05/05/13 to present the business plan this fantastic company to Telexfree surpriender'll come join you learn how to earn money just  
    by posting ads on the Internet.

    extra income without leaving home. shortly
    The Telexfree is an American company that operates in the 9 years since December
    and March 1, 2012 entered Brazil with a dissemination plan where you
    get paid to promote the company.
    In four months in Brazil is changing the financial lives of many people and can change
    its also! Join this business was the best thing I did! Why? Because in Telexfree
    100% of people earn in 1 year and the return is at least 248% of the amount invested without
    need to indicate anyone.
    You go in knowing they will win in the first week! To promote the company, you are
    paid for it. But why the company pays for you to disclose? Because paying for
    you and others, the company makes traffic much more disclosures and is known
    on the market.
    The company pag

    renda extra sem sair de casa. em pouco tempo
    A Telexfree é uma empresa americana que atua no mercado há 9 anos desde dezembro
    e em 1 de março de 2012 entrou no Brasil com um plano de divulgação onde você
    é pago para divulgar a empresa.
    Em 4 meses no Brasil está mudando a vida financeira de muitas pessoas e pode mudar a
    sua também! Entrar para esse negocio foi a melhor coisa que fiz! Por quê? Porque na Telexfree
    100% das pessoas ganham e o retorno em 1 ano é de no minimo 248% o valor investido sem
    precisar indicar ninguém.
    Você entra sabendo que vai ganhar logo na primeira semana! Ao divulgar a empresa, você é
    pago por isso. Mas por que a empresa paga para que você a divulgue? Porque pagando para
    você e para outras pessoas, a empresa ganha tráfego, muito mais divulgações e fica conhecida
    no mercado.
    A empresa pag

    quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013


    Dear Promoters,

    The distribution of passwords for staff attendance at the headquarters of Telexfree is from 09:00 to 11:00 and 13:00 to 16:00 (Monday to Friday Done). Passwords will not be distributed outside of these hours.

    According Injunctions, reported that for the exchange of data records will require the publisher (HOLDER) is fitted with ALL original documents or certified copies (ID number and proof of residence), or may also have these documents attached the Ticket. If outside of these standards, the change / exchange of data is not performed.

    Sincerely, Telexfree.

    Prezados Divulgadores, 

    A distribuição de senhas para atendimento pessoal na sede da TelexFREE é de 09:00 às 11:00 e de 13:00 às 16:00 horas (de Segunda a Sexta-Feita). As senhas não serão distribuídas fora desses horários.

    De acordo com Ordens Judiciais, informamos que para a troca de dados cadastrais, será necessário que o divulgador (TITULAR) esteja munido de TODOS os documentos originais ou cópia autenticada (CPF, RG e Comprovante de Residência), ou podendo também ter estes documentos anexados no Ticket. Caso não esteja dentro desses padrões, a alteração/troca dos dados não será efetuada.

    Atenciosamente, TelexFREE.

    terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013

    Actor Sandro Rocha and leaders France and Marcus Rhalff Coutinho with our Chief Technology Officer Carlos Wanzeler's headquarters TelexFRee

    segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013


    This plan allows you to call unlimited for a single monthly payment of only US$ 49.90.
    See where you can call and talk freely, everything right from your computer using the TelexFREE software. 
    Talk freely to cell phones from carriers – both local and long distance
    Talk freely to any landline
    Call freely to any cell phone and landline numbers in the USA and Canada – international calls IDD
    With our 99Telexfree Plan, you can say goodbye to running out of outgoing credits and being left with incoming calls only. Don't waste your time, purchase your plan now.

    99 TelexFREE grows every day around all world.

    99 TelexFREE grows every day throughout Brazil. 99TelexFREE performsexactly where people spend the most when making calls, i.e., when they call from one cell phone carrier to another. 
    It applies both to local calls and – particularly – long distance calls (DDD).

    What we provide to our customers.

    See our growth in the last semester.
    Total in minutes.

    domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

    www.telexfree.com/europa: Maintenance on our servers.Please be advised tha...

    Maintenance on our servers.
    Please be advised tha...
    : Maintenance on our servers. Please be advised that we will have maintenance on our servers on 04.14.2013, Sunday, from 1:00 am to 10:00 a...

    Maintenance on our servers.
    Please be advised that we will have maintenance on our servers on 04.14.2013, Sunday, from 1:00 am to 10:00 am (GMT -3) with this, the site will be out of TelexFREE, returning to normal after the period.

    Geraldo Freire spoke with marketing director Telexfree about great success
    Radio Journal
    Updated at 11am

    In an attempt to clarify the doubts of many people about the great promises of financial success, Geraldo Freire, through the microphones of Radio Journal, spoke with marketing director Telexfree, Carlos Costa.

    During the interview, which took place on the morning of Monday (25), Costa denied allegations of fraud on the company, located in Espírito Santo (he said before the interview). He also recalled that the Telexfree is not a financial pyramid.

    Carlos Costa said Telexfree in Brazil and operates in over 40 countries. He also said that many people a lot of money and that no charges will be confirmed at the end of the investigations. Check out the conversation:

    IMPACT - On the morning of Tuesday (26), Geraldo Freire sounded out the interview with the director of marketing Telexfree with Procon director of Recife, the lawyer José Neves, warning that the "easy money" offered by some companies. Check out the discussion on the link below:

    Posted by Isabela Lemos

    sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013

    Publishing Space

    sBelow follows a list of some free advertising sites that you can use, remembering that you are free to to use other sites you know, or find online, as long as the site is a recognized one for free advertisement in your country. In case you would like to, you can also use paid advertising sites, as you wish, at the end your business is to announce Telexfree.com. Make sure to keep a record of the ads made daily, so there are no duplicated ads and be considered as SPAM. Also, keep a record of where you published each ad and expiration date, so can renew it when expired.

    quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013

    Choose ad
    1. Your goal per ADcentral is to publish 7 ads per week (Monday thru Sunday)
    2. You simply need to publish 1 ad per day for Telexfree.com and present it (ad URL) in your back office for verification.

    Attention: Confirm in your ADcentral if the ad was validated, this validation is your warranty and happens every 10 minutes in our system until 11:59:59 PM each day. Stay alert!
    Through a ADCENTRAL.
    Membership U$50 (Partner) + ADCentral Kit U$289.00 (ADCentral + 10 accounts of 99Telexfree) = U$339.00 (Annual)
    The promoter receives a 99Telexfree account for US$49.90 every week s/he posts 7 different ads at free ad websites on the Internet, Monday through Sunday. All in a fast, easy and standardized manner atin your Telexfree virtual office (BO).

    seja um divulgador telexfree

    Ganhe de $20 as $1100 por semana - seja Divulgador da Telexfree






    TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC and anyone interested in joining the MLM TelexFREE:

    We learn that is under development in electronic media offering "Binary Perfect." This is at odds with the ethical stance of TelexFREE, attacks clause 2.6.5 paragraph "a" of the General Regulation, not being agreed with her.

    Thus, we are taking steps to occur the immediate closure of the offer, without prejudice to other sanctions.

    We caution that no one should participate in it, under penalty of having their registration canceled.

