You've probably heard the TelexFree, is not it? But how this business really works and is it possible to earn money by posting ads on the internet? See below.
What is TelexFree?
The TelexFree Inc is an American company with over 9 years experience in telecommunications, which recently arrived in Brazil to generate savings on phone calls through technology MVNO (the famous VoIP), which allows you to make unlimited calls to any carrier fixed and mobile in Brazil, USA, Canada and 40 countries.
To enter the phone market, the company TelexFree Inc has partnered with the company Ympactus Comercial Ltda, which uses the trade name TelexFree use issues by brand and by virtue of a contract with the American TelexFree.
The Ympactus (TelexFree Brazilian) performs all marketing using the internet and have physical headquarters in Vitoria - ES (Avenida Nossa Senhora da Penha, 356, Praia do Canto). Remember she is still regularly recorded in IRS so it can provide services in the country through the CPNJ: 11.669.325/0001-88.

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